TAMIU Nursing Graduates Excel at Becoming RNs

Texas A&M International University's Dr. F.M. Canseco School of Nursing graduates are excelling, demonstrating a hometown education can help you get what you want out of life.
Dr. Susan Baker, director of the School of Nursing, reported 93% of this Spring's Bachelor's of Science Nursing graduates passed the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN), the national licensure examination required for entry into practice as a Registered Nurse, on their first attempt.
"We're above the national average pass rate for graduates, which is only 86.9%," said Baker.
She explained the accomplishment is especially impressive, given the changes the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) and other governing bodies implemented this year.
"The NCSBN raised the passing standard and also introduced three new test item formats. In addition, the Texas Board of Nurse Examiners initiated a criminal background check, lengthening the time period between graduation and testing," said Baker.
She said the Texas Board of Nurse Examiners also liberalized the number of testing opportunities for an individual, changing it from three to unlimited.
"While the individual has more chances at passing the test, the School is still required to have 80% of graduates pass on the first attempt," explained Baker, "This particular graduating class really stepped up to the challenge-they waited to start work until they had tested; they continued to study as hard or harder from the day they graduated until the day they tested; they bought new review books, met in study groups, coached and nagged each other, came to the campus to work on our computer programs and review videos and ask faculty questions about areas of doubt."
She said some students even called Belva Gonzalez, assistant professor and testing coach for the students, with their test results before calling their mothers.
"The students' success is truly a tribute to their dedication to the nursing profession and their commitment to their faculty and their school," said Baker.
She said the first-time pass rate for individual classes at the School of Nursing has been consistently high, with 92% of the May 2003 class passing and 100% of the May 2002 class passing.
For more information, please contact the School of Nursing at 326.2450 or e-mail sbaker@tamiu.edu.
University office hours are from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at pais@tamiu.edu