Meadows Foundation Awards Grant to TAMIU Childhood Development Center

The Meadows Foundation of Dallas has awarded Texas A&M International University's Childhood Development Center a grant of $25,000.
The grant will support renovation of the Center to increase childcare services to TAMIU students who are low-income parents.
The Center, operated under the auspices of TAMIU's College of Education, is directed by Dr. Linda Medearis.
Dr. Medearis said the Center welcomes the partnership of The Meadows Foundation.
"We are delighted to have the partnership of such a prestigious philanthropic group working with the Center. The Foundation is especially supportive of programs and services that employ imaginative, innovative ways to help solve community problems through projects...something our Center is poised to do for low-income parents who want to continue their higher education, but need childcare services," Dr. Medearis said.
"Here in Texas and in Laredo, The Meadows Foundation has a long established tradition of private philanthropy and supports efforts to alleviate pain, enhance social skills and promote better human relations...we are honored to share in their goals and grateful for their support," she added.
The Meadows Foundation was established in 1948 by Algur H. and Virginia Meadows to benefit the people of Texas. Its mission is to assist the people and institutions of Texas in improving the quality of life and circumstances of life for themselves and future generations.
Since its inception, the Foundation has provided over $430 million in grants and direct charitable expenditures to over 2,000 institutions and agencies. Its primary philanthropic interests are in public education, mental health and environment.
Its offices in downtown Dallas are in the Wilson Historic District which the Foundation established and which has since become a benchmark for historic preservation. The District houses more than 27 non-profit agencies in rent-free office space, as well as providing management and technical assistance.
TAMIU's Childhood Development Center currently serves approximately 36 infants and toddlers from low-income families.
Located in Dr. Billy F. Cowart Hall, the Center opened in Summer 2002 under a grant provided by the Child Care Access Means Parents In School (CCAMPIS) Program of the U.S. Department of Education.
To be eligible for the program, parents must be TAMIU students and demonstrate financial need. Children of faculty and staff members can also participate if space is available after students with financial need have been serviced first, Medearis said.
The Center's purpose is to help students with children participate in higher education and improve the quality of children's lives.
For further information, please contact Center coordinator Mayra Blanco, at 326-2421, e-mail or visit offices located in Cowart Hall.
With State budget cuts, the University is observing a four-day, 10-hour a day schedule this summer with office hours from 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday-Thursday. Offices are closed Fridays.
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