TAMIU Reading Research Center Launches Support Drive for Underprivileged Children
A fund-raising drive aimed at supporting critical tutoring sessions for underprivileged children has been launched by Texas A&M International University's Eduardo M. Hinojosa Reading Research Center.
Center director Dr. Barbara Greybeck explained that the effort, set to begin in August, aims to provide children with customized sessions to help them overcome reading obstacles.
"Every day, somewhere in Laredo, a child opens a book and a world follows. Some children encounter obstacles as they move to becoming skillful readers and need help in moving past these obstacles. Underprivileged children are especially vulnerable and we believe a targeted program designed especially for their needs is an important outreach offering for our Center," Dr. Greybeck, explained.
The fund-raising drive will supplement support the Center already receives from the federal government through an innovative grant that supports its mission and goals. Additional efforts to secure private support for programs and foundation funding for operations continue, Greybeck said.
"While our federal funding has been renewed, new initiatives like this require the infusion of funds that can come from like-minded individuals and organizations who partner with the Center to help support these critical tutoring sessions," she said.
Greybeck said a partnership gift of $100 would successfully fund one child with five targeted individual sessions that would include a private diagnosis and the implementation of a custom program to address the child's specific needs.
Since the Center's founding in 2001, the Center has posted some remarkable outreach efforts and provided important new research and service opportunities.
"From individual success stories to helping nearby Zapata County Independent School District realize district reading goals for elementary age students, we've helped these students move towards becoming skillful readers better equipped for the increasingly complex challenges of our world," she noted.
Greybeck said she welcomes the community's partnership in the effort. For those interested in additional information, she has prepared a special brochure and letter.
Interested persons can contact Greybeck at 326.2923, visit offices in Dr. Billy F. Cowart Hall 122 or email bgreybeck@tamiu.edu
University summer office hours are from 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday-Thursday. University offices are closed on Fridays.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at pais@tamiu.edu