University Campaign Asks: What Do You Want Out of Life?

If this question is beginning to sound familiar to you, it may be because you've heard it or seen it quite a bit lately. It's part of a new multi-media student recruitment campaign by Texas A&M International University that's on the airwaves, in print, on billboards and on the 'net.
"It's a question that all students ask themselves at some point...'what do I want my life to be...what do I want my gift to the world to be?' It's a question that we believe only higher education can answer and we are confident it is a question that the University answers best," explained Minita Ramirez, executive director of enrollment management.
The campaign was crafted by the University's Office of Public Affairs and Information Services with the Dallas-based creative agency The Axcess Group, and San Antonio's KSAT-TV and Maverick Video. It will be utilized in expanded recruitment efforts that the University targets in Laredo, San Antonio, the Valley and points in between.
Real-life students and graduates are featured in the TV commercials which were recorded on campus in early November. Both radio and TV spots feature bright, upbeat lyrics and a catchy tune which challenges listeners to find what they want out of life with higher education at TAMIU.
The campaign is part of the University's strategic response to the "Closing the Gaps" mandate by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board which targets bringing 300,000 additional people prepared to succeed into higher education by 2015 - beyond the 200,000 student enrollment growth statewide now projected.
The University targets a campus that in 2005 is home to 4,128 students. That number is projected to mushroom to 5,524 in 2010 and 7,392 by 2015.
This past Fall semester at TAMIU, the University enrolled its highest enrollment in its 33 year history: a combined undergraduate and graduate enrollment of 3,726 students. That enrollment represents a 10.5% growth in headcount and a 13% increase in Semester Credit Hours (SCH) from last year. State formula funding for the University is based upon SCH levels.
University president Dr. Ray Keck has a word for the University's enviable status:
"It's astounding. Since the last funding biennium two years ago, we've seen enrollment increase a phenomenal 22.6% from 3,038 in Fall 2000. As the State of Texas charges us to 'Close the Gaps' and increase participation in higher education, we believe that this semester's enrollment is a great step towards addressing that mandate," he said.
The University hopes that by encouraging potential students to think about what they want out of life through the new campaign, they will embrace the infinite possibilities that higher education presents.
Registration for Spring Semester 2003 at TAMIU is Friday, Jan. 10 from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. in the Student Center. Classes begin on Jan. 13. Late Registration will continue through Jan. 17.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at