HEB Gives TAMIU Center for Fine & Performing Arts Generous $250,000 Gift
Texas A&M International University's new Center for the Fine and Performing Arts will benefit from a generous $250,000 gift from HEB of San Antonio.
The gift was announced at a press conference Friday in front of the $21.5 million facility that is now under construction as part of TAMIU's Phase III expansion.
University president Dr. Ray Keck said he saluted HEB's corporate citizenship and the support of the fine and performing arts that it represents.
"This is truly an impressive example of fine corporate citizenship. HEB has long been a part of our community and our culture and we are pleased that their regard for the arts has been enthusiastically extended to our campus. With partnerships like this, we will build a facility and program that will be unparalleled in South Texas," he said.
Debbie Lindsay-Opel, representing HEB, said the donation to the University is in keeping with the company's desire to support the communities it serves.
"HEB has a 97-year tradition of partnering with the communities that we are fortunate to do business with. We are pleased to extend our partnership in Laredo to its impressive University and look forward to seeing this new facility bring a new dimension to arts education and programming here," Lindsey-Opel said.
The HEB gift represents the first major gift in a planned $5 million campaign that has been initiated by the community-based Committee for the Center for the Fine and Performing Arts, Dr. Keck explained.
"This is a crucial first gift in an overall campaign that targets raising additional funds that further support the facility's excellence. We appreciate the guidance and commitment that this Campaign is receiving from our Committee co-chairs, Hector and Altagracia Garcia Azios. We encourage others to contact the Campaign about how they can also partner with us, " Keck said.
The new 121,745 gross-square-foot Center will be home to the University's growing fine and performing arts program. Included will be exhibition areas, performance venues, theatres and more. Expected opening is Spring 2003.
For additional information on the Campaign for the Center for the Fine and Performing Arts, please contact the Office for Institutional Advancement at 326.2175 or visit offices located in Killam Library 262.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at pais@tamiu.edu