Photography Helps Students 'Picture' Writing: Education Presentation Rescheduled for April 22 at TAMIU
Is a photograph really worth a thousand words?
Dr. William Webster, professor emeritus at California State University, believes so and uses photography to help motivate students to write.
Dr. Webster will offer a special presentation on his approach on Monday, April 22 at 7 p.m. at Texas A&M International University's Bob Bullock Hall, room 101.
Webster, who received his Ed.D from Harvard University, will discuss using photography to motivate students to write and will address the upcoming objectives in writing for the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), which high school students will soon have to pass in order to graduate.
The Phi Delta Kappa Chapter of Laredo will host the presentation. Admission is free and open to the public.
Phi Delta Kappa is an international educational organization which seeks to promote the presentation of research to foster the profession of teaching and stimulate in others the quality of leadership.
Dr. Claudio Salinas, Phi Delta Kappa president and assistant professor at A&M International, said that the program will offer educators ideas on helping students to write.
"Dr. Webster's lecture will be of interest to all area educators. His method of helping students find something to write about using their own photography is innovative and creative. His methods can easily incorporate the technology of today, such as digital photography and computer programs such as Powerpoint, helping students develop their skills in many areas," said Dr. Salinas.
For more information about the lecture, Phi Delta Kappa, or to register for the event, please contact Dr. Claudio Salinas at 326.2682, visit offices in the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library, room 326D or email
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