Over 400 expected for 105th Annual Texas Science Academy Meeting Feb. 28 at TAMIU
Scientists from all over Texas and Mexico will converge at Texas A&M International University Thursday, February 28, for the 105th Annual Texas Academy of Sciences (TAS) Meeting. The event will continue through March 2 and is expected to attract more than 400 scientists.
Dr. Sushma Krishnamurthy, associate professor of biology and chair of the local host committee, said the meeting would include presentations from a wide variety of subject areas.
"Over 200 abstracts for presentations have been submitted in such fields as chemistry, computer science, conservation and management and science education. In addition, there will be three symposia: avian ecology and conservation in shared ecosystems of northeast Mexico and Texas; the Rio Bravo/Rio Grande symposium and a symposium on the rock art of the border region," said Dr. Krishnamurthy.
She said that Dr. Ian Scott, a chemist from Texas A&M University, has been chosen as this year's Distinguished Texas Scientist. He will speak at a special session on Friday, March 1.
Krishnamurthy said the academy was extremely pleased that scientists from Mexico would be included in the event. Some presentations would be in Spanish, while others in English would have Spanish interpreters.
"It has been a dream of the academy to include scientists from Mexico in the annual meetings. While the territory of the United States ends at the Rio Grande, ecosystems do not end with such man-made boundaries. Numerous scientists have been working on the ecology of areas across the border," said Krishnamurthy, "TAS has received grants to encourage international participation by covering registration and travel costs for many scientists, from both Mexico and Texas. ChevronTexaco has awarded TAS a $10,000 grant in support of the 105th annual meeting."
Krishnamurthy was also pleased to invite area educators to the science education section of the meeting.
"This section will be open to all science teachers in Laredo, free of charge on March 2. This year's Outstanding Texas Educator is Ms. Bobette Doerrie from Perryton High School. Ms. Doerrie will make a presentation to the science teachers who attend. We think area educators will really benefit from joining us," said Krishnamurthy.
Dr. Kenneth Tobin, assistant professor and local host committee member, said A&M International was pleased to be able to host the event and is deeply grateful to the community for their assistance.
"Many hands make light work, so that saying goes. We know that it is true. Many have supported this meeting by contributing their valuable time in the effort. We especially want to recognize the efforts of the members of the local host committee," said Tobin, "The local host committee would like to thank the Laredo Convention and Visitors Bureau for their contributions. The La Posada Hotel has provided space for meetings as well as other contributions."
For those wishing to attend the entire meeting, the registration fee is $75 for members and $105 for non-members before February 18 and $90 for members and $120 for non-members afterwards.
Graduate and undergraduate students will receive a reduced rate of $30 before February 18 and $45 afterwards. Early registration is strongly encouraged for all participants.
For more information, please contact Dr. Sushma Krishnamurthy at 326.2584, visit offices in Dr. F.M. Canseco Hall, room 313 or email skrishna@tamiu.edu. University office hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Information about TAS can be found on the web at www.tpwd.state.tx.us/tas/.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at pais@tamiu.edu