Ballet Folklórico Gets Kids Moving at A&M International

Parents who want to increase their child's activity level or encourage interest in history and culture may want to explore Ballet Folklórico Juvenil de Texas A&M International University, a group providing ballet folklórico lessons to children ages five to 18.
Each Session is $35, or $60 for both sessions. Session I begins Saturday, January 26 in the University's Kinesiology-Convocation Building, room 204. Dates are as follows: Jan. 26, Feb. 2, 9, 16 and Mar. 9. Missed classes cannot be made up. Class times are: 10:15 - 11:15 a.m., grades 7th - 12th (ages 12 - 18); 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m., grades 4th - 6th (ages 8 - 11); and 12:30 - 1:30 p.m., grades 1st - 3rd (ages 5 - 7). Classes are open to children ages five to 18 and previous dance experience is not required. Students must wear shoes with a heel and girls will need a solid color practice skirt.
Gabriela Mendoza-García, director of the Texas A&M International University Ballet Folklórico and class instructor, said the program is an excellent opportunity for children in the Laredo area.
"Winter is the perfect time to join a class like this. One can limber up and strengthen one's body while learning. Students build strength, grace and posture while exercising and learning about Mexican culture, customs and traditions. Ballet folklórico teaches students more than dance steps. We learn about the people and the stories of Mexico, along with team work and self confidence," said Mendoza-García.
Mendoza-García is a former professional folklórico dancer with Roy Lozano's Ballet Folklórico de Texas and has been teaching folkloric dance to children for six years.
For more information, please contact the Office of Special Programs at 326.2700 or visit offices in the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library, room 332.
University office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday.
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