A&M International Professor's Art Featured on 'Historic Laredo' Cover

A vibrant painting by Texas A&M International University assistant professor of Art Janet Eager Krueger is the cover of the new publication Historic Laredo: An Illustrated History of Laredo and Webb County.
"Entre Dos" is the title of the painting, a vivid melange of riotous colors that captures both banks of the Rio Grande-Rio Bravo as it meanders its way between two nations.
The book's author is Maria Eugenia Guerra, editor-publisher of LareDOS, A Journal of the Borderlands. It is published and is for sale by the Webb County Heritage Foundation.
The 112-page book will be launched with a book signing to be attended by both Krueger and Guerra on Thursday, Oct. 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the Laredo National Bank Plaza downtown.
Krueger joined the A&M International faculty in 1998. She holds her MFA in painting from the University of Texas at San Antonio and her BFA in Art History from UT-Austin. She is represented by the Hunt Gallery in San Antonio. Much of her work documents life as it has evolved at her ranch home in Encinal.
This summer, she completed a corporate commission of 8 large scale
drawings that capture various dimensions of military family life in America.
For additional information on Historic Laredo, contact the Webb County Heritage Foundation at 727.0977.
For information on Krueger, contact A&M International's Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at 326.2180.
University office hours are from 8 am. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at pais@tamiu.edu