University CSAC Members Raise Funds for Staff Scholarships
Members of Texas A&M International University's Classified Staff Advisory Council believe in the power of higher education and have dedicated efforts to raising funds to provide staff scholarships.
Sara Gutierrez, 2000-2001 CSAC president, said the group is committed to helping its members pursue their higher education dreams.
"This is an effort to promote continued education for our members to enable them to develop knowledge and skills that can enhance their current jobs, grow professionally and improve opportunities for advancement within the University," Gutierrez said.
To date, the CSAC has raised a total of $4,500 through a variety of fund-raisers. Among groups donating to the effort were the Library Staff Committee and the Dusty Golf Tournament.
The monies raised will help provide two scholarship awards for full-time classified staff and one award for a part-time classified staff member this Fall.
The organization is comprised of University staff assistants, clerks, maintenance, part-time staff and executive secretaries. CSAC members serve on various University committees and are involved in community service projects.
For additional information, contact Gutierrez at 326.2310 or visit the CSAC www site at
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