'Get Ready, Set...GRE' Pilot Draws Record Interest at University
Response to a new initiative by Texas A&M International University that offers a free series of GRE review sessions has been so positive that a waitlist is now being taken for cancellations.
The sessions are part of a pilot program, "Get Ready, Set...GRE" to begin this Fall which is geared to boosting graduate student enrollment at the University. Over 80 students have already signed up for the review sessions. Review sessions will also be offered for the Spring GRE testing.
The GRE review sessions are offered for students free of charge. After completing the session and exam and applying for admission to any of the University's graduate programs, the University will provide accepted students with a scholarship good towards their next semester of study at the University.
"Get Ready, Set...GRE" is available to any student who has completed their undergraduate degree in the last 5 years and is a Texas resident.
Students will pay for their own review book, approximately $20 ,and the test cost, $105. The review course, which is 32 hours in duration, has a $250 value and is offered free of charge.
The review class for the Fall GRE testing will meet on Saturdays with 12 hours dedicated to math study, 12 to English, 4 for the pre-test and 4 for the post-test. The start date for this Fall will be Aug. 18. All student slots in the review are currently taken, but interested students should call and ask to be wait-listed for cancellations or to be signed up for the Spring Review. The start date for the Spring review will be January 5. The Spring test date is March 2.
Students must complete the course and apply for acceptance to one of the University's graduate programs within one calendar year. If accepted to the University's graduate program, the student will be provided with a scholarship redeemable in the next semester of graduate study that is approximate to the cost of the exam.
The paper-pencil version of the GRE is scheduled in Laredo twice a year, in the Fall and Spring Semesters. Laredo is not a computer test site for GRE.
Students who are interested in taking the computer version in San Antonio or Corpus Christi can apply for a test fee waiver. Students must have economic need and be A&M International graduating seniors or seeking admission to the Graduate School at A&M International. Students who have already earned graduate hours are not eligible candidates for fee waivers.
The University now offers 26 graduate degrees. The most recent addition was an MS in Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education.
For more information on the "Get Ready, Get Set ...GRE," review course contact Dr. Julio Madrigal, director of the Office of Special Programs, or Sergio Barragan, program coordinator for Continuing Education at 326.2720, visit offices in Killam Library 332B or email jfmadrigal@tamiu.edu or sbarragan@tamiu.edu.
For test information contact Alejandro Martinez, director of the University's testing center, at 326.2131, visit offices in Killam Library 205 or email to amartinezjr@tamiu.edu.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at pais@tamiu.edu