A&M International Employees Begins Holiday Toy Collection Project
Texas A&M International University employees are once again sharing the joy of the holidays with a special group of people this year.
The Classified Staff Advisory Council, a group of University classified employees, has begun its annual toy collection through its "Hug-A-Toy" Project.
The toys will be presented to needy children in El Cenizo, said Sara Gutierrez, CSAC president.
Both University and community members are encouraged to participate in the project by donating new toys for all ages, she said.
"We had a tremendous success last year in securing new toys for 31 children. We would like to extend this number this year to reach more of the approximately 500 children of El Cenizo," Gutierrez said.
Gutierrez said the CSAC hopes to show its community support with a project that brings smiles to young people.
"We want to show our involvement not only with the University, but also with our community," Gutierrez said, "At this special time of the year, we want to be able to help our University to reach out and help children who may not receive presents otherwise."
The CSAC will host a special reception and presentation of gifts to some of the children Thursday, December 14 in the Great Room of the University's Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library.
For additional information, please contact Gutierrez at 326-2310, visit offices located in Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library 257 or e-mail sara@tamiu.edu.
University offices will close for Thanksgiving on Thursday, Nov. 23 and reopen at 8 a.m. Monday, Nov. 27.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at pais@tamiu.edu