A&M International's Career Services Assists Job Seekers with Continued Offerings

Jobs often come through networking.
As many rely on the traditional route of applying for a position, however, the process often presents uncertainties and stress.
In an effort to provide a smooth transition for job seekers, Texas A&M International University's Office of Career Services offers continuous assistance to its students, alumni and the community through free presentations, on-campus recruitment and an e-mail job and candidate referral system.
Virginia Garcia, director of Career Services, said her office provides numerous services including résumé and cover letter writing or interviewing skills presentations every first Wednesday and Thursday of every month except January. The presentations last approximately one hour and start at 5:30 p.m. in the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library, room 157.
"We give an overview of the types of résumés, their purpose, the goal of a résumé and basic headings and mistakes to avoid," Garcia said, adding that job seekers are also invited to schedule appointments so that a Career Services staff member can critique their résumés.
The next résumé and cover letter presentation will be held Wednesday, Nov. 1. The interviewing skills presentation is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 2. Presentations will also be held on Dec. 6 for interviewing skills and Dec. 7 for résume and cover letter writing.
Job seekers can also participate in the On-Campus Recruitment Program, which invites area employers who have job openings to schedule a day for interviewing.
"Career Services advertises and collects résumés and other application information and then arranges the interviewing schedule for the companies' visit," Garcia said.
A&M International students and alumni can also register for an on-line job referral service called E-Connect, Garcia said. The Internet-based program allows students to register and post their résumé and pertinent information. It also allows students to view highlighted positions in the Laredo area, she said.
Students, alumni and employers can access the Internet program at www.econnect.com and then choose the A&M International option, Garcia said.
"We want to invite employers, students and alumni to browse through. A company can register themselves by logging into the system and choosing a password for themselves or have us register them by phone," Garcia said, "Students and alumni can log on, choose a password and then be approved by Career Services. After that, they are highly encouraged to place their résumé online and send their résumé to any company they find with a position."
Garcia added that A&M International also has a working agreement with www.Jobtrack.com, which has national positions listed. The A&M International password is "DUSTY."
For further information, please contact Garcia at 326-2260 or visit offices located in Killam Library 157 or e-mail career_services@tamiu.edu.
Office hours are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Friday and 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at pais@tamiu.edu