A&M International Waives Late Registration Fees
This week's inclement weather and cancellation of Monday's regular Fall Registration has prompted Texas A&M International University officials to waive late registration fees through this Friday, Aug. 27.
Mary Treviño, associate vice president for student services, said the waiver is intended to provide students with every incentive to enroll at A&M International.
"Like many South Texas institutions, our Fall Registration efforts Monday and Tuesday were affected by weather conditions generated by Hurricane Bret. By waiving the late registration fee of $20, we hope to encourage all students to begin, continue or complete their studies this Fall at A&M International through late registration," Treviño said.
Treviño said the University's growth in programs and student services like financial aid make it an affordable, accessible and convenient local avenue for higher education.
"We've boosted our degree inventory to 51 undergraduate or graduate degrees, have new financial aid programs available and look forward to working with students from right here at home and around the world to realize their higher education dreams," Treviño said.
Classes for the Fall Semester begin Wednesday, Aug. 25. Late Registration will continue through Sept. 3. The last day of Fall classes is Dec. 6 with final exams scheduled for Dec. 8 - 14.
For more information on A&M International's Late Registration through Sept. 3, call the University's Office of the Registrar, 326-2250 or visit offices located in Killam Library room 168.
The Office of the Registrar is open from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, and Friday and 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday.
Additional information on the University may also be secured by email at enroll@tamiu.edu.
Copies of the University's Fall 1999 course schedule are available from the University's Office of the Registrar located in the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library, room 168.
An on-line listing of Fall courses is also available on the World Wide Web on the University's Home Page at http://www.tamiu.edu.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at pais@tamiu.edu