A&M International Seeks Entries for Poster Demonstration
Texas A&M International University invites all persons interested in women's and gender issues to participate in a Research Poster Demonstration to be held at the University in the Great Room of the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library (room 319) from March 19 - 21.
The Poster Demonstration, which is sponsored by the Women's Studies Committee, commemorates the third anniversary of the Women's Studies Minor at A&M International, explained organizer Dr. Carol Waters.
"This Poster Demonstration, the first to be held at the University, affords a great opportunity for students and faculty to discuss their work with members of the community and to highlight the interesting and diverse work being done in various disciplines," said Dr. Waters.
She added that the unique event also allows the University community an opportunity to see research which members of the community at large have conducted.
"Members of the community, as well as college and high school students will be able to show off their work and discuss their research in an informal setting.," said Waters.
Individuals or organizations who wish to participate in the Poster Demonstration should contact one of the following Women's Studies Committee members by Friday, February 27: Dr. Waters, 326-2635 or cwaters@tamiu.edu, Dr. Jeraldine Kraver, 326-2630 or jkraver@tamiu.edu, or Tammy Casso, tcasso@icsi.net.
Participants must set up their posters on March 19 between 2 - 5 p.m. and remove them by noon on March 22.
Subject matter for submitted posters may include any study or research related to women or gender, such as gender roles in the work place, women's health, research by or about women, gender roles in society, and women in history, science, business, politics, technology, literature, or the arts.
Posters must be freestanding and should be constructed on a standard-sized trifold cardboard display form or on foam core board cut to standard size. Both trifold cardboard forms or foam core boards are available at local craft stores.
Posters should include a clear, succinct statement of the research project or study, a typed or printed abstract or summary, plus text and visuals such as graphics, pictures, or charts which illustrate main points.
Participants whose poster summarizes a thesis, article, or report may place copies of their paper next to their poster.
The Poster Demonstration will be open to the public between 6 - 8 p.m. on March 19 and will remain on display through March 21 as part of the annual Primavera Conference hosted by the University.
Persons who participate in the Poster Demonstration are encouraged to participate in the public presentation on March 19 or other events scheduled during the Poster Demonstration period to discuss their work informally with persons who attend the event.
Waters suggests that persons who are not familiar with poster demonstrations visit Internet sites which feature helpful tips on poster construction, such as the site found at http://www.acm.org/crossroads/xrds3-2/posters.html.
Research posters have also been set up as examples on the first floor of the Killam Library.
For more information on the Poster Demonstration at A&M International, please contact Dr. Waters, 326-2635, Dr. Kraver, 326-2630, or Casso, tcasso@icsi.net.
University office hours are from 8 .am. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at pais@tamiu.edu