A&M International Alums To Dedicate Walk of Fame Monday
Texas A&M International University's growing campus will soon feature a "Walk of Fame" with names of University friends and supporters engraved on personalized bricks.
The Walk of Fame, a fundraising project of the University's Alumni Association, will be located on the south end of a native stone water fountain that graces the greens in the center of A&M International's main campus.
Formal dedication ceremonies for the Walk of Fame are scheduled for 6 pm Monday, May 5 at the fountain.
Community members are invited to attend the ceremonies. Light refreshments will be served.
Over 100 bricks engraved with names of University friends, supporters, graduates, employees, and retirees will be unveiled during the ceremonies.
Also to be unveiled are special sections of the Walk of Fame with names of past Alumni Association presidents and past University president.
Alumni Association President-Elect Susan E. Nichols said the Walk of Fame will accommodate approximately 1,500 bricks. When every brick is dedicated, the Walk of Fame will be expanded north to completely encircle the fountain.
"This will be a continuing project for the Alumni Association, one that will allow all community members, as well as graduates and future graduates, to become part of the permanent record of the Texas A&M International University campus," said Nichols.
A&M International Walk of Fame bricks may be purchased by individuals, families, companies, or civic, social, or student groups. Engraving on each brick is limited to a maximum of three lines of 14 characters per line. Spaces, periods, and commas count as a character.
Cost per personalized Walk of Fame brick is $50 if purchased before December 15, 1997. After December 15, cost per brick will be $100.
Walk of Fame proceeds will be used for scholarships and Alumni activities.
Persons who need more information should contact Susan E. Nichols, Alumni Association President-Elect at 326-2565, or Scott Stuckey, in the University's Office for Advancement and External Affairs, at 326-2170.
University office hours are 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at pais@tamiu.edu