University Police Now Ticketing Vehicles Without Parking Permits
Texas A&M International University police officers are ticketing private vehicles parked on the University's north Laredo campus that do not display a Spring Semester Parking Permit, warned A&M International's Chief of Police Harry W. Stege.
Students and employees who park private vehicles on Texas A&M International University's north Laredo campus must display a valid Parking Permit to avoid ticketing.
Campus visitors who park in designated Visitor Parking and report their vehicle to the University Police will not be cited for parking permit violations.
Penalty for a first parking permit citation is $10. Vehicles without valid parking permits may also be towed and impounded at the owner's expense.
Over 200 parking permit citations have been issued this semester.
Spring Semester Parking Permits are available from the University Police Department located in the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library-Administration Building, Lower Level Room 005.
In order to obtain a parking permit, University students must have a receipt from the Business Office showing parking permit fees have been paid.
Student parking fees are $10 per long semester and $10 for summer. Motorcycle parking fees are $5 per semester.
A&M International parking fees were set by the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents, not by the University, explained Chief Stege. The cost for parking at A&M International is less than at any other University in the A&M System, and much less than at other universities across the country, he added.
New students who purchase a Parking Permit will be issued a Spring Semester hang-tag style Parking Permit.
Continuing students who were issued a hang-tag style Parking Permit last semester must pay Spring semester parking fees then take their Fall Parking Permit to the University Police Department office for revalidation. Students must have a receipt from the Business Office to have their Fall Parking Permit revalidated for Spring.
Spring Semester Student Parking Permits will be valid through May 31, 1997.
For more information on Spring Semester Parking Permits, call the University Police Department at 326-2100.
Office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.
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