South Texas Mathematics Consortium Schedules Meeting Here Feb. 7-8

On Feb. 7 and 8, the numbers of mathematicians in Laredo will increase geometrically with the presentation of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the South Texas Mathematics Consortium (STMC) here.
The STMC meeting here is co-hosted by mathematics departments at both Laredo Community College and Texas A&M International University and will take place on the A&M International campus.
Dr. Firooz Khosraviyani, A&M International associate professor of mathematics and computing and chairman of the local STMC Organizing Committee, said the two-day conference aims to attract a large number of mathematicians from throughout the South Texas area. Organizers have also extended a special invitation to mathematicians from Mexico and the San Antonio area.
"This group first organized itself in the Fall of 1993 at Texas A&M University-Kingsville and has since held a series of professional meetings throughout South Texas. In addition to the STMC meeting, which is directed primarily to faculty and mathematics instructors, we also hold a joint STMC Student Conference for undergraduate and graduate mathematics students. The combination of these two groups is exciting and affords good networking and learning opportunities for all," Dr. Khosraviyani said.
The STMC Student Conference will open at 9 a.m. on Feb. 7 with registration and a tour of the A&M International campus. Keynote speaker Dr. Manuel Berrioz bal, Professor of Mathematics and Coordinator of TexPREP, UT-San Antonio, will offer a presentation on The Role of Mathematics in the Achievement of Diversity in Our Society.
Invited Speaker Dr. Ronald Barnes, Professor of Mathematics, University of Houston-Downtown, will speak on Mathematics of Games and Puzzles. His presentation is followed by a mathematical games and puzzles activity at the luncheon with prizes for participants. Afternoon activities will have students presenting of research findings in mathematics and its spplications. Some paper topics include: "Conjectures on Water Evaporation and Container Shape" and "Basketball as a Markovian Chain."
Events will continue with the STMC Annual Meeting on Feb. 8 and a schedule to include invited speaker Sue Wheeler, Assessment Associate, American College Testing (ACT), Southwest Regional Office who will offer a presentation on "Using Computerized Adapative Testing for Course Placement."
Following will be a series of panel discussions including technology and teaching and the future of mathematics, recruiting and retaining undergraduate and graduate mathematics majors, a number of sessions on contributed papers, a luncheon and committee meetings.
Other members of the local STMC committee include A&M International's Dr. Henry L. Crowson, Miguel San Miguel Gonz lez and Carlos I. Santillan. From Laredo Community College are Jos‚ Galinzoga, Peter Horton, James J. McCarry and George G. Welch Jr.
In addition to A&M International and LCC, current membership in the STMC includes Bee County College, Southwest Texas Junior College, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Texas State Technical College-Harlingen, University of Texas-Brownsville, Victoria College, Del Mar College, South Texas Community College, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, University of Houston-Victoria, the University of Texas-Pan American and Wharton Junior College.
For additional information on the South Texas Mathematics Consortium Meeting at Texas A&M International University, please contact Dr. Khosraviyani at 326. 2594. Information can also be accessed from the University's Home Page at
A&M International office hours are from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at