Daybreak Rotary Club Provides $100,000 TAMIU Scholarship Gift
A gift of a brighter future for Laredo and South Texas students of Texas A&M International University was provided with the announcement of a $100,000 Endowed Scholarship Gift from the Daybreak Rotary Club of Laredo Friday.
The gift presentation was made at a luncheon held in the Great Room of the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library.
Texas A&M University System Deputy Chancellor for Academic Institutions and Agencies, Dr. Leo Sayavedra, joined Club members to thank them for their generous gift.
"The Texas A&M University System is fortunate to number the members of the Laredo Daybreak Rotary Club among its supporters. This generous gift will help many students realize their dreams of higher education right here at home at their own four-year University," he said.
Interim President Joe Garcia told Club members he was impressed by the initiative shown by the Daybreak Rotary Club.
"Texas A&M International University is indeed proud of the tremendous progress in facilities, programs and student enrollment to date. The need to help students to take advantage of this progress is great. This gift represents an investment which will continue to benefit our region as well as the State of Texas for years to come, " he noted.
Incoming President Dr. J. Charles Jennett, who becomes the University's fourth president Aug. 1, agreed.
"This is a great day for the students of Texas A&M International University. Partnerships between the University and the community it serves are vital in securing this institution's continued growth and development," he said.
Daybreak Rotary Club immediate past President Pat Alexander said initiatives to provide scholarships for the youth of Laredo and the surrounding area began with the presidency of David Martinez in 1987.
He said the scholarship support the group is providing the University is considered a savvy investment in the future that will pay lifetimes of dividends.
"We believe in the power of higher education. With it, our youth can have the tools to confront and deal with the changes they will face in their lifetimes. An educated workforce is vital to the continued economic success of our area. We are proud supporters of Texas A&M International University and urge other social and civic groups to similarly invest in our youths' futures," Alexander charged.
Dr. Janet K. Black, Vice President for Advancement and External Affairs, said the endowed scholarship represents an investment in the long-term scholarship needs of the University.
"This endowment will begin to generate scholarship funds for our students beginning in the Fall semester of 1997," she explained, "The community has been generous in its support for our students through scholarships and loan programs, providing close to $300,000 in gifts in the past two years alone.
"The University's Office of Financial Aid can provide students with information on scholarships currently available for the Fall of 1996. We encourage all students interested in applying for current scholarships to do so early. Our Financial Aid Office is located in Killam Library 155," she added.
For additional information, contact the Financial Aid Office at (210) 326-2225. Financial Aid Office hours are from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays; 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. on Fridays.
Other groups interested in assisting the University's growth and development can do so by contacting Dr. Black at (210) 326-2175.
University information can also be secured by email at and via the University's WWW Home Page,