TAMIU Ambassadors Establish New Scholarship
The Texas A&M International University Student Ambassadors have established a new scholarship named in honor of the TAMIU administrator who founded the student service organization last year.
Ricardo Ray Ortegon, Associate Director of the University's Office of Enrollment Management and School Relations, founded the TAMIU Student Ambassadors after hearing of similar programs.
Ortegon envisioned a student organization which would assist students in preparing for and adjusting to the rigors of University life, and would also participate in campus and community events.
The organization he founded actively participated in every major event TAMIU sponsored during its first year as a four-year institution, including Student Orientation, Opening Day Ceremony, First Annual Dusty Golf Tournament, 25th Anniversary Celebration, and Commencement. The group also guided hundred of new students and campus visitors through tours of the University.
At a reception held recently to recognize the positive impact the Ambassadors have had on the University, TAMIU Student Ambassador President Gilberto Sanchez, called Ortegon "the heart and soul of the Student Ambassadors."
"Rick defined the Student Ambassadors, recruited the first members, and has served as the organization's advisor since its inception. He has been the driving force behind our members. Without him, there would be no organization," said Sanchez.
Ortegon joined the University in 1994. He earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in General Business at TAMIU and an Associate of Arts degree at Laredo Community College. He is currently at work on an MBA in International Trade at TAMIU.
The scholarship named for him will be awarded for the first time in September. Three Ricardo Ray Ortegon Student Ambassador Scholarships of $400 each will be awarded for 1996-1997, one each for Freshmen, Undergraduate, and Graduate students, respectively.
To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must be currently enrolled at TAMIU or meet all entrance requirements and be accepted for admission to TAMIU, must have a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better (90 or better for incoming freshmen students) and must be an Ambassador in good standing, as specified in the organization's constitution, for a minimum period of one semester prior to applying.
Applicants must answer an essay question on the application form and submit the completed application form, official school transcripts, and two letters of recommendation from an administrator or faculty member not associated with the TAMIU Student Ambassadors.
Recipients will receive a one year scholarship of $400, with half of the amount awarded in the Fall semester and the remaining half awarded in the Spring semester. Scholarships are nontransferable, may not be delayed for awarding at a later time, and will be awarded for consecutive semesters.
To receive the scholarship for the full award period of two consecutive semesters, recipients must follow a curriculum prescribed in the TAMIU catalog, be enrolled at TAMIU full-time (12 semester credit hours for undergraduates and 9 for graduates) for the duration of the scholarship, maintain at least a 3.0 GPA each semester, and remain an Ambassador in good standing, as specified in the organization's constitution, for the duration of the scholarship.
Scholarship applications are available at the TAMIU Office of Enrollment Management, located in the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library- Administration Building Room 158 West. Application deadline is 5:00 p.m. Friday, July 19.
For more information on the new Ricardo Ray Ortegon Student Ambassador Scholarship offered at TAMIU, call the University's Office of Enrollment Management and School Relations at 326-2270 or visit offices in Killam Library-Administration Building Room 158 West.
TAMIU office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday. Additional information on the University may also be secured by email at enroll@tamiu.edu or by visiting TAMIU's Home Page, http://www.tamiu.edu.