TAMIU Nursing Students Receive $12,000 For Tuition
Nineteen Texas A&M International University Nursing students who successfully completed course work in the Spring and Summer of 1995 received over $12,000 in tuition and fee reimbursement thanks to funding support from the Lamar Bruni-Vergara Trust.
Dr. Charlotte Torres, Director of the TAMIU School of Nursing, said any TAMIU Nursing student who completes course work with a minimum of a C will be automatically reimbursed for tuition and fees at the end of each semester as long as funds are available.
More than 92% of our students work full-time and attend school part-time. The tuition and fee reimbursement enables students to focus their energies on completing their studies so they can quickly return to the community to provide advanced nursing care to Laredo citizens, said Dr. Torres.
Students who received tuition and fee reimbursement for course work completed in Spring and Summer of 1995 include Monica Cantu, Margarita Casarez, Ana Laura Diaz, Norma Garcia, Angela Garza, Teresa Garza, Graciela C. Gonzalez, Celinda Gonzalez, Mario Gutierrez, Rita Marie Haber, Maria del Rosario Hernandez, Juan Lopez, Renee Moreno, Patricia Niles, Carolyn Otero, Maria del Carmen Ramirez, Cynthia Schwartz, Guillermo E. Vasquez, and Alfredo Vela.
The School of Nursing also awarded three Nursing Student Scholarships to University students.
Two $1,000 scholarships based on financial need were awarded to Angela Garza and Graciela C. Gonzalez.
Gonzalez also received a $500 Academic Achievement Scholarship for having the highest Grade Point Average in Nursing courses.
Funding for the scholarships was provided by the Lamar Bruni-Vergara Trust.
We owe much gratitude and appreciation to Judge Solomon Caseb and Mr. J.C. Martin. Without their faith in this University and this community, we could not have built this magnificent School of Nursing,said Torres.
TAMIU's State-accredited program offers Baccalaureate completion for Registered Nurses. The program is unique as it features a transcultural and human caring curriculum that is designed to address the special needs of culturally diverse populations while emphasizing the right of individuals to make their own health care decisions in keeping with their own values.
Currently housed at 1611 Hendricks in facilities provided by Mercy Regional Medical Center, the TAMIU School of Nursing will move to the University's main campus when the Canseco School of Nursing Building is completed in January of 1997.
For additional information on the Nursing Program at TAMIU, contact the University's School of Nursing at 718-6912.
TAMIU School of Nursing office hours are from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.
10 January 1996