Enforcement Of TAMIU Parking Regulations Begins Monday
Texas A&M; International University students and staff are reminded that strict enforcement of University parking regulations begins Monday, December 4.
Private motor vehicles parked on the University's north Laredo campus which do not display a current, valid TAMIU or Laredo Community College Parking Permit will be subject to citation and may be towed and impounded at the owner's expense. Penalty for a first citation is $10.
TAMIU students and staff may obtain parking permits from the University Police Department, located in the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library-Administration Building Lower Level room 002.
The parking fee for University faculty and staff is $20 annually. Parking fees for TAMIU students are $10 per long semester and $10 for summer.
Motorcycle parking fees are $10 annually for employees, $5 for students.
For more information on the TAMIU Parking Permits, call the University Police Department at 326-2100.
TAMIU office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.
This story by Oralia Roach.
29 November 1995