TAMIU Health Services Offering Flu Vaccine

Texas A&M International University's Student Health Services will administer flu vaccines through November 3 for TAMIU students, faculty, and staff.
Flu vaccines will be administered in the Student Health Services office, located in the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library-Administration Building Room 156 West, Monday - Friday, from 12:00 noon - 5:00 p.m. through November 3. Cost is $3.00.
Supplies are limited so persons who did not reserve a flu vaccine should call Student Health Services at 326-2235 as soon as possible to make arrangements to receive a flu vaccine.
Director of Student Health Services Angelina Cantrell urges all TAMIU students and staff to take advantage of the low-cost vaccine.
"The flu vacine alerts your immune systems and if you have antibodies in your system when the flu and cold season begins, your body will be in a better position to deal with the flu," Cantrell said.
Persons who have egg allergies are asked to consult with their doctor before receiving a flu vaccine.
For more information on receiving the flu vaccine, call TAMIU Student Health Services at 326-2235, or visit offices in Killam Library-Administration Building Room 156 West.
TAMIU office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.
This story by Oralia Roach.
25 October 1995